Tuesday, April 21, 2009

UXUA Casa Hotel

Trancoso, Brazil.  It just sounds like paradise on Earth doesn't it?  Well actually it's just got that bit closer to being just that.  Wilbert Das (Creative Director of Diesel) is better known for his fashion designs, but this hotel is proof that he has many more strings to his creative bow than you might previously have thought.

Already a spot favored by Bvlgari (who held their holiday party there) and a plethora of high profile personalities who wish for a low profile break, UXUA (pronounced Ooshoowah) has also been built using only local labor and recycled and reclaimed materials.  This was something that Das was told was impossible at the start of the project.

UXUA has something special about it.  It's a breath of fresh air after the rise of the 'chain' boutique of the last decade, but don't take our word for it - read this piece in Vanity Fair for further evidence.

Also...watch this space for an in depth interview with Wilbert Das soon.

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