Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Dear all,

After only a few short weeks at this address, we've been invited to take up a more prestigious residence.... so we're moving this blog to a new address:

We have some cool neighbors (as part of the Creative Contraband Blog Network) over there and we hope you'll like the new look and feel.

Please click the link above to continue to follow No Such Agency and for a special offer on limited edition Falcon T-shirts (for men and women).  There will be more exclusives on the new site (including a world exclusive interview with Echo & The Bunnymen very soon).  You can also follow our activity via the RSS feed.

See you all over there!!!

Love...  NSA.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brett Domino on Britain's Got Talent

Brett Domino, Britain's number one stylophone entertainer, came face to face with Simon Cowell on Britain's got talent at the weekend.  With a keytar slung, erm, high, and his trusty trio by his side he performed in front of the nation.

Brett Domino (a.k.a Rob Madin) is my step brother.

See what Simon made of the Brett Domino Trio here:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pillage by Brantly Martin

My old friend, Brantly Martin, has written a novel.  Now, in all honesty it was one of those - 'Is this gonna suck and I'm going to have to be nice scenarios?'
Thankfully it's actually pretty fantastic, gritty, crazy, funny stuff.  At least this exert is. 

What's great about this is that we've all said it, but Brantly did it.  He was a New York City club promoter and a downtown socialite who quit all that and become a novelist.  Pretty inspiring.

Read  an interview and the exert here:

Well done mate.

'Pillage' a novel by Brantly Martin is out now.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Flaunt goes all hippie dippy on us. Or do they?

This from Flaunt...

Dearest Sons & Daughters of the Earth-Mother's Demon Seed,

We want YOU to come out to the beach and participate in a momentous occasion of creative expression!
This Saturday afternoon, Flaunt magazine and Edward Sharpe + The Magnetic Zeroes are hosting a happening at Dockweiler Beach, Tower 53.

This happening is in fact a group photo shoot——we're looking to have 100 of our friends and fans meet us at the beach AT 1PM to create and photograph (and video) all types of beautiful human geometry.

Can you make it? Will you be there? You must!

Just so you know: Photographs of this event will run in Flaunt's forthcoming Issue 104: The Visionary Experience; an exclusive video of the event will be hosted on Flaunt.Com.

Please respond back to me (asap) if you can confirm your attendance. I'll then respond with Dress Requirements (ALL WHITE—see attached photo for inspiration) and Directions.

For all those who plan to participate in our Human Geometry Beach Happening, the below link leads you to a map and general direction of Dockweiler Beach. We’ll be at Tower 53. Its basically near LAX. Please be sure to ONLY WEAR WHITE, FLOWY GARB, color details should only be present in headbands, scarfs, belts, or other accessories. CANT WAIT to see you all there.

http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&q=dockweiler+beach+los+angeles&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&cid=10903755205952560227&li=lmd&z=14&t=m <http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&q=dockweiler+beach+los+angeles&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&cid=10903755205952560227&li=lmd&z=14&t=m

They also sent this photo so that you get some idea of what's happening tomorrow...

I'm still none the wiser, but whatever it is, it's surely going to be fun, AND you get to be in Flaunt Magazine.  Now, where did I leave that kurta?